Outlaw FitCamp

5 Things to do NOW to slim down before the holidays

We are officially on the verge of holiday season…and with it a myriad of food temptations and weight gain traps. Don’t fret, if you act now there’s still time to tighten up before putting on your holiday finest.

Do these 5 things NOW to quickly shape up…

1. Eat more Veggies: Your mom was right, eating vegetables really is a good idea, especially when aiming to drop pounds. Why? There are a couple of reasons. First, veggies are low in calories and high in fiber, which means that you’re filling up without packing on pounds. Second, the vitamins and minerals in fresh vegetables nourish your body and cut down on cravings.

2. Add five Minutes: Each week, between now New Years, I want you to add 5 minutes to your workouts. Just five more minutes. The slight increase from week to week will hardly be noticeable, but the extra fat burn will pay off nicely. Use these extra five minutes to do intense burst of exercise, such as burpees, squat to presses and walking lunges.

3. Double up on Water: Not only will staying extra hydrated help your skin to have a healthy glow, it will also speed up your fat loss efforts. Most of us are walking around in a state of chronic dehydration, which contributes to fatigue, stubborn weight gain and constipation. By drinking more water throughout the day, and by limiting your intake of caffeinated beverages, you’ll become healthier and more radiant.

4. Eat low Carb (after 4pm): One of the easiest ways to drop a few inches around your waist before the holidays is to eat low carb after 4pm each day. This means eating dinners that are centred around salads and vegetables rather than breads and pastas. If you simply must have your oatmeal or whole grain bread each day, then eat it for breakfast or lunch and give low carb dinners a try. Don’t forget that sugar counts as carbs, so skip that sugary dessert and try a grapefruit for dessert.

5. Lock down a routine: If you’re not yet working out consistently or have yet to develop a routine that includes exercise, then now is the time.  Starting now will give you the jumpstart you need to continue through the holidays and help with holiday weight gain. Once you develop a fitness routine it’s harder to stop during the holiday and much more difficult to begin if you have yet to develop that routine in your lifestyle. We’d love to get you into phenomenal shape before the holidays and into the new year, and to give you the foundation that will keep you lean and healthy for life.

Call or email today and we will get you started this week on an exercise program that will get you back in control of your body.

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