Outlaw FitCamp

The Best Valentines Gift Ever- How to fall in love with yourself

It’s the new year and everyone seems pumped about going to the gym, eating clean and exercising. A large portion of those at the gym and around you may be New Years resolutioners — good for them. Being consistent is an important factor of success with any weight loss program or goal set as well as a strong support system from family, friends and co-workers?

We’ve seen it year after year, a large portion of those resolutioners will trickle out of the gym and lose interest or find reasons why they cannot go to the gym, stick to healthy eating or stay consistent with their new resolution. If you are serious about losing the weight you must stay consistent daily, weekly, monthly. Ideally an active lifestyle shouldn’t be a trend in your life rather a common habit for your health, mind, body and spirit. So your going to the gym, eating clean and starting to make some progress. Have you experienced any odd questions or comments from co-workers, family and friends or temptation from them? How are your surroundings, are those around you supportive of your new goals? Do these comments sound familiar? “You don’t need to diet you look great,” or “come out with us and get back to you routine tomorrow.” Does this sound familiar?

Comments such as “how much are you going to lose?”  “Do you eat” etc. I would hope you have cheerleaders all around you but the truth is that isn’t usually the reality. If you are married, hopefully your spouse is on board with your new goals or at least supportive. If not this could make dinner time difficult or socializing hard if your trying to avoid temptation. The support around you matters and will be helpful in your quest for weight loss and healthy lifestyle.

Decide how bad you want to achieve your goals, make a decision and stick with it. Know that this is your journey, you choose to live healthier for yourself, and those you love. It is time to love yourself and put yourself on your to do list finally. For the ones making comments about your weight loss goals have a chat with them and remember these guidelines below

  1. Build Your Support Team: Let Your friends, family and co-workers know that this is important to you and coach them on how to be supportive for you. You can try to get them involved by inviting them to be a walking buddy. Let your friends know that you may not be able to join them at the places you would normally go before but suggest a healthier restaurant that fits your needs. Ask them to give positive in-put and not negative reminders of being on a “diet”. 
  2. Get your spouse involved: By becoming an active part of your program. Compromise with them if they eat healthy 5 days out of the week with you, you will let him choose his meal of choice one day a week. Make your spouse feel invited to participate in your activities and if all else fails remind your spouse that sex is cardio burning lots of calories. That should get them on board if nothing else works.
  3. Develop healthy incentives: Instead of rewarding yourself with sweets go for a movie or set up a vacation as motivation. A goal to buy new gym clothes when you reach one of your small goals. These incentives will help keep temptation away
  4. Your On Your Own: You must realize this your journey and yours alone. Your goals, and no one else’s. You cannot rely on anyone to achieve these goals for you its your work, dedication & discipline not your friends, family or even a fitness professional. The choice is yours and the reward is yours. At the end of the day this is a choice you make for yourself and its up to you to wake up and plan your day accordingly to take your life back into your own hands.
  1. Why It’s called a Journey: During the time period of your weight loss goal from beginning to achievement you will go through a transformation. This transformation can be many things from building confidence, your physical appearance, your surroundings and your mindset. It’s ok to see change, change is growth and you deserve the best for yourself without guilt. Going forward you must realize it’s ok to put your health, mental, physical and spiritual first and it is not selfish to do so. Taking care of yourself and being comfortable in your own skin to where you can say to yourself “I LOVE MYSELF” and honestly feel that way and believe it is what this transformation journey is about. While going through this try to inspire those around you to get healthy too, you never know who might be paying attention and needs inspiration also. If you feel some are dragging you down with negativity this is a cleansing time and most likely the best time to distance yourself from negativity because it can be the worst obstacle along your journey.

I’ve seen many woman struggle with negativity from family, friendships and their surroundings which can hinder their personal growth. The message I want all woman to know is taking care of yourself starts in the mirror, the person staring back needs your help more than you realize. On this journey of concurring your goals to become a better version of you with a sense of pride and achievement, until you release the negative obstacles around you, can you begin to truly find happiness with yourself, friends, family, work, love and life.

As you become healthier you become stronger, physically and mentally. This journey has a way of opening up the mind with belief in yourself and confidence which every woman deserves that!

Love yourself this valentines day by staying consistently determined to make progress in your health and wellbeing!


Personal Trainer & President Jesse James Fit

Jesse James Leyva

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