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OBC Winter 2017 Challenge 2nd Place Women’s Winner

My husband spent the majority of the summer in the hospital and I gained quite a bit with eating a lot of comfort food and not being able to make it to Outlaw Bootcamp like normal. Before the challenge, I felt like I wasn’t back to where I’d been…but was okay with how I looked and didn’t try really hard after I’d dropped about half of what I’d gained while he was sick. It’s funny how we can get comfortable with where we are even if it’s not our best. I wanted to lose the rest but hadn’t really gotten committed to doing what needed to be done. I joined the challenge to help get myself motivated to get back to where I’d been before summer.  I like the way the challenge pushed me to go beyond what I felt I’d settle for from myself. I was able to go past the goals is set for myself and am really excited about the results.

I went down 3 pants sizes and lost quite a bit of weight. I found my motivation that I needed to lose the weight, but for me, one of my favorite things that came out of it is that am able to run a lot faster and longer with less weight to carry around.

The challenge helped me get through the cravings I might have given into when I was trying to lose weight before. Knowing that Liberty and Vince would ask me what I’d  cheated with if I hadn’t lost what they thought I should kept me on track. It’s nice to have someone to hold you accountable. The consistency from that has created better habits that I plan to continue.

The challenge definitely helped me mentally. It made losing weight and pushing myself harder a game instead of a chore. Plus, I had great resources with OBC’s challenge Facebook group and the support of all the trainers at OBC.  

Having the diet plan helped me to concentrate more on eating throughout the day which is not been good at in the past and that revved up and keep my metabolism going strong. I also  tried to drink a lot more water. I learned that I needed it through some of the education of the challenge. As I started drinking more, I realized that I was really short on the amount of water I was drinking beforehand.   

I absolutely would recommend Outlaw to friends…I do recommend it all the time! I love that after going to OBC for almost 2 years, I’m still challenged by the workouts. I also love that it’s 28 minutes.  There are a lot of excuses that keep people from working out, but anyone can find 28 minutes if they want to. Once you start, you realize it’s fun, you make friends in the classes and you start to look forward to it. The accountability of OBC is great for me. You set it up ahead of time so it’s an appointment, a priority on your calendar. If you don’t show up and you’re signed up, you may get a call from a trainer! Your friends will notice too. Everyone wants a place they can feel like they belong. At OBC, with the group workouts, it’s just easy to feel like you do.

When I tell people about OBC, the biggest response is that they’re scared they can’t hold up to it, they’ve not worked out in a long time and they’re out of shape. What is so great about OBC though is that everyone is working at their own level of intensity and they’re not worried about what anyone else is doing because they’re working on their own fitness. If you have to stop, just keep jumping back in. Always finish. You’ll get stronger.

A big thank you to the trainers at OBC. They push me to go faster and lift heavier.  I’m very thankful for my family and OBC friends for their support through this. One in particular is a work and OBC friend, Holly Grance. She and I shared diet and exercise tips, and we set up time to walk outside of Bootcamp for some extra cardio during the challenge… We want to continue this.

I should thank my boys who have to deal with my “eat real food” meals and “real” food lectures. A BIG thanks to my husband who spends a lot of time using the grill or green egg because of my food plan and even makes the foods that I won’t eat that the boys want when I won’t cook those things. A positive  thing is from me not cooking their junk foods is that my boys have also learned to cook for themselves.

*My next goal… To shorten my mile time in running. Cross training at OBC helps me to be in great cardio shape without the constant pounding on my joints that I get running. Bootcamp changes where the impact is and strengthens my core so I run correctly. It makes my legs stronger to make me run faster and longer. I hope to take time off my mile now. It’s a lot easier to run without that extra weight. I’m hoping to cut time off my run.


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