Outlaw FitCamp will help you get healthier, more fit, and lose weight if that’s something you want to do. Our 30-minute classes and personal training sessions will help you meet your personal goals, and there is no better time than right now to start. Research shows that October is the best month to begin improving fitness.
Don’t wait until New Year’s resolutions to start getting healthier or losing weight. Here are six reasons why October is the perfect time to get started:
1) Prepare for the upcoming holidays
As we all know, gaining weight during the months of November through January is extremely common. Most Americans gain weight during the holiday season. But if you start healthier habits and commit to exercise in October, it definitely helps as you head into the holiday season.
For starters, you’ll look and feel better for those festive get-togethers with friends and family. And by starting in October, you’re going to have a much easier time sticking to healthier habits through the upcoming holidays. Exercising now makes it much easier to get through the holiday season without gaining unwanted pounds.
This is important because the less you gain during the holidays, the less you’ll need to worry about losing later. Starting the new year without new pounds is a great feeling.
2) Delicious fall produce
Lots of healthy fruits and vegetables are at their peak in the fall. Take advantage of these seasonal fresh fall vegetables:
- Carrots
- Sweet potatoes
- Broccoli
- Brussels sprouts
- Kale
- Swiss Chard
- Pumpkin
- Butternut squash
- Acorn Squash
- Cabbage
- Cauliflower
- Green beans
- Mushrooms
- Peas
- Onions
Just think of all the delicious roasted veggies you can easily prepare!
Also, pumpkins are in abundance right now and many people don’t realize that pumpkins are a superfood. They’re rich in fiber, potassium, and beta-carotene. Look for recipes online, you’ll find delicious pumpkin chilis, soups, and more.
To make it even better, it’s also slow-cooker and soup season. There are so many things to love about fall produce!
3) Fall is the perfect time to develop routines
Fall is always the easiest time to start new routines. For many reasons, summer is usually a more unstructured season. It can be a time of vacations, weddings, and other special events that make it hard to stick to a workout routine. But now the kids are back in school, summer vacation is over, and our days are just naturally more structured.
Weight loss success always requires developing new routines and sticking to them. October is the perfect time for this!
4) Indoor workouts are helpful for rainy, chilly days ahead
Although we enjoy nice weather much of the year here, there are definitely chilly and rainy days ahead. But no excuses! Whether you want to take a class or enjoy personal training sessions, Outlaw FitCamp is the perfect place for your workouts—no matter what the weather.
5) Race season is here
Even if you haven’t participated in the fall race season before, this could be your year to start. The weeks ahead are full of opportunities to join various marathons, half-marathons, 10-K’s, 5-K’s, turkey trots, etc. These races are not only fun, but usually support great causes. Races come in all different levels of difficulty, and we can help you prepare for whichever one you’re ready for.
6) Make room for more fun New Year’s resolutions
Most of us have, at one time or another, vowed to lose weight or get in better shape at the new year. But if you get a head start on this and start in October instead, think about the fun resolutions you can make in January. If you’ve lost a little weight already, you can pick something more fun instead of the same old weight-loss resolution. You could make a New Year resolution to take a fun vacation, run an upcoming race, or do some other new experience you’ve always wanted to try. Lose weight in the fall and make fun resolutions in January!
Get a head start on holiday challenges
Studies show that weight gained during the holiday season can take up to five months to lose. But if you can commit to healthier eating and exercise in October, you’ll be motivated to stick to it when the holidays hit. It’s so much easier to avoid gaining weight during the holidays than to work to get these pounds off afterwards.
Don’t make a New Year’s resolution, make an October resolution instead! Call us today and we’ll help you get started in October—the perfect time for success!

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