Exciting News: Now You Can Easily Get a Comprehensive Fitness Score!
We’ve got a lot of exciting things going on at Outlaw FitCamp Corporate Flower Mound location—and we can’t wait to tell you about all of them! But one of the things we’re most excited about is our brand new, state-of-the-art wellness scan machine. You will be amazed at the health information this scan can give you. It’s unlike anything you’ve ever experienced!
With our new innovative technology, we’re offering advanced, comprehensive wellness scans—not only to our clients, but to the public as well.
This specific wellness scan analyzer is only the fourth device available in the United States, the first one in Texas, and the first available at a fitness facility! Providing the very latest in healthcare technology, the scan measures important fitness information that is unprecedented for people who want this type of data without going through their doctors and paying exorbitant medical fees.
“I’m excited to have the first wellness scan machine of this caliber in a fitness facility in all of the U.S. There are only four in the country, but this is the first one available to the public in a fitness facility. The detailed information we can provide to people about their health from this wellness scan is amazing. The knowledge and fitness score that we’re now able to give people can truly change their lives.” – Jesse James Leyva Owner & Founder of Jesse James Fit and Outlaw FitCamp
This Scan Provides Unbelievably Detailed Fitness and Health Information
The fitness score provided by this wellness scan is unprecedented for its availability and cost. Among many other things, this scan will provide you the following important health information:
For our clients at Jesse James Fit, the information we get from your wellness scan lets us tailor your workout more than ever before. By looking at your detailed health information, we can determine where it’s safe to push you, and where you should take it slower.
“When we can actually see your spinal health, we will adjust the weight-bearing exercises during your training program. When we can see that your heart is strong, we can push fat-burning cardio or challenging intervals. After seeing your scan information, we may see that you need to take in more water, focus on heart health more than fat burning…all sorts of things we can use to guide us in developing a better suited customized program designed specific to that client. When your trainer gets a detailed look at your fitness score, it lets them tailor your workout accordingly.” – Jesse James
Priceless Information
This comprehensive wellness scan and results consultation is available to the public for $225 and follow-up scans to monitor health improvements can be done for $169. Current clients of Jesse James Fit or Outlaw FitCamps receive a member reduced rate.
Know Your Health and Fitness Score
Everyone—Jesse James Fit, Outlaw FitCamp clients and non-clients—can take advantage of this wellness scan. You can then track your fitness progress with optional follow-up scans every six to eight weeks, quarterly, or whenever you want to monitor your progress.
Take charge of your health this year! Our new state-of-the-art wellness scan can help us tailor a fitness program for you and then measure your progress.